In March 2021 Sean Williams, a founding Member of the Australian Business Council of Sweden (ABCS) was elected Chairman.
Sean Williams is an Australian who arrived in Sweden in 2009. On arriving in Stockholm Sean worked for NASDAQ OMX, the operator of the Stockholm Stock Exchange, where he was responsible for business issues on the management team of the Commodities Business. Sean worked on power and carbon trading opportunities in Europe and the USA. In 2015, Sean began developing a business called Mundus International and also explored start-up opportunities in clean energy. Mundus, a business Sean runs together with his wife, operates in a niche, providing high-quality news and analysis about the Nordics. Customers are frequently embassies, but also businesses and MBAs.
Sean was a founding Board member of the ABCS for the first year, and continued working closely with the Board while running the Venturing interest group that was part of the ABCS. Two years ago he rejoined the Board, and in March 2021 he became Chair.
Sean says, “My primary goal is therefore for the ABCS to be there as a resource and network for all Australians working in business, for whenever they need it. As the strength of the network comes from its members, I’d encourage those of you who know about us, but haven’t been to an event yet to give it a go, and help us to build the community”
We are very much looking forward to the continued success of the community working together with Sean and the rest of the Board Members going forward.